Class XI Biology NCERT (Tips for NEET 2021)

Tips for NEET 2021:

Throwing some light on the tips for NEET 2021, one should know the names of the NCERT Biology chapters thoroughly. The name of chapter can fetch you extra scores. According to detailed analysis of previous year NEET papers, lot of questions are asked from the keywords included in the name of the chapter. Here, we will acquaint you with the name of the chapters in NCERT Biology textbook (Class XI).

Students often get stuck on the question, is NCERT enough for NEET 2021? National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), has made great efforts to include the syllabi and textbooks particularly developed as per NCF, 2005 (The National Curriculum Framework). The syllabus prescribed by NTA (National Testing Agency) for NEET (UG) 2021 is beautifully covered in NCERT. So, one can follow NCERT for cracking NEET 2021

Tips for NEET 2021

Class XI Biology NCERT Chapters (tips for NEET 2021):

  1. Chapter 1: The Living World
  2. Chapter 2: Biological Classification
  3. Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom
  4. Chapter 4: Animal Kingdom
  5. Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants
  6. Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  7. Chapter 7: Structural organization in Animals
  8. Chapter 8: Cell: The unit of life
  9. Chapter 9: Biomolecules
  10. Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Division
  11. Chapter 11: Transport in Plants
  12. Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition
  13. Chapter 13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  14. Chapter 14: Respiration in Plants
  15. Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development
  16. Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption
  17. Chapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  18. Chapter 18: Body Fluids and Circulation
  19. Chapter 19: Excretory Products and their Elimination
  20. Chapter 20: Locomotion and Movement
  21. Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination
  22. Chapter 22: Chemical Control and Integration

These chapters are also clubbed up into different units in NCERT textbook. There are five different units covering facts from different fields of biology providing a holistic learning approach towards the subject.

UNITS in Class XI NCERT Biology Textbook:

Unit I: Diversity in living world

Unit II: Structural organisation in animals and plants

Unit III: Cell structure and functions

Unit IV: Plant physiology

Unit V: Human physiology

These units are further continued in the textbook of class XI.

So, get up, take a paper and pen, note down the syllabus given above and start! It’s never too late to start. All the best NEET 2021 aspirants. We wish you all great success and excellent result.  Stay tuned for more tips for NEET 2021 (UG).

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All the best

Team MBD

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