Author: Janvi Aggarwal

Animal kingdom classification 0

What is the basis of Animal Kingdom Classification?

Animals are cosmopolitan organisms that exhibit different structures and forms. Since the discovery of animals species is increasing at an exponential rate, the need for animal classification becomes the need...

Mechanism of sex determination in humans 0

Sex determination in Humans Vs Birds

Sex determination refers to biologically determining the sex of the organism; where genetic composition indicate whether individual organisms are female or male which can result in sex differentiation. Let’s throw some...


How much do you know about viroids and virusoids?

Let’s update your knowledge about the sub-viral agents – ‘Viroids and virusoids’. What are Viroids? Viroids are infectious agents that consist only of RNA. Viroids consist of single-stranded circular RNA...

Secondary structure of proteins 0

Structure of Proteins

Proteins are large, complex molecules and are heteropolymers containing amino acids as the monomeric units which are particularly attached to form long chains. Proteins play many critical roles in the...

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 0

Are Prions infectious agents?

Prions are infectious agents which consist of an abnormally folded protein. These are similar in size to viruses. These are encoded by the PRNP gene and are particularly composed of...

Polygenic inheritance 0

Is polygenic inheritance quantitative in nature?

In nature, a few characteristics have traits spread across gradients which is unlike the Mendelian inheritance pattern. In polygenic inheritance, two or more genes control one character. These are called polygenic...

ECG (electrocardiogram) 1

Is ECG a roadmap to reach the heart?

Ever wondered about the importance of ECG in life? An ECG (electrocardiogram)  is a graphical representation of the recording of the electrical activity of the heart occurring during the cardiac cycle....

Vaccination and Immunization 0

Is Vaccination a key to Immunization?

Do you think vaccination and immunization mean the same? Vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from disease. It is an intentional exposure...