Antiviral drugs: Function and Types
Viral infections are extremely common and widespread infections caused by viruses. There are many varieties of viruses that causes types of viral diseases. For instance, the most common type of...
Viral infections are extremely common and widespread infections caused by viruses. There are many varieties of viruses that causes types of viral diseases. For instance, the most common type of...
A confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to provide clear images of specimens that, when viewed through a traditional microscope, would...
The electron microscope is a very useful tool for viewing very small samples, such as bacteria and viruses. It can magnify objects over a million times smaller than can be...
The world of antibodies is fascinating. There are billions of them in our bodies, ready to attack any foreign substance that might harm us. They are essential to our health....
In today’s time research industry is booming as never before, all thanks to SARS-CoV-2. Do you understand the need to study microbes? To begin with, microorganisms are versatile and play...
. If someone asks you which is the largest living organism on the Earth? What will be your answer? African Elephants or Giant Blue Whale? No, let us tell you...
Have you ever been to a microbiology laboratory and observed a cylindrical sterilization instrument called an autoclave? The basic principle behind an autoclave is to expose the items to direct...
The human body has an inbuilt mechanism to produce a response whenever an outside pathogen bearing an antigen enters the body. The antigen is anything that produces antibodies; it could...
Let’s update your knowledge about the sub-viral agents – ‘Viroids and virusoids’. What are Viroids? Viroids are infectious agents that consist only of RNA. Viroids consist of single-stranded circular RNA...
Prions are infectious agents which consist of an abnormally folded protein. These are similar in size to viruses. These are encoded by the PRNP gene and are particularly composed of...